
How do I know my skin type?
think again! Our skin is porous, which means that it is constantly being affected by environmental,
psychological, emotional, and chemical stress from the stuff we put into our skin. Environmental
pollution plays a huge role for people living or working where there is smog, radiation, string winds,
debris, or humid climates. While psychological and emotional stress have a direct impact on our skin,
believe it or not. When we are under emotional stress (be it a sad news, or stressful work environment,
or being a caretaker, or a new mom as a few examples), there is a physical and chemical change in our
bodies with shortening of our telomeres, and signs of aging including premature graying of hair,
wrinkles, dark circles, dull complexion, acne, rosacea, atopic dermatitis, cellulite, weight gain, or weight
loss, hair loss, brittle nails. Chemical stress can be a result of using too many harsh chemicals on your
face and body including the hand soaps. Our skin likes products at a pH of 5-7. When we use sulfate-
based shampoos, hand soaps, bar soaps on our skin, we are stripping moisture from or skin which can
have an adverse effect leading to dry, and sensitive skin more prone to atopic dermatitis, acne, and
So, going back to the question about determining our skin type. You must know your current state of
physical, emotional, psychological and environmental imbalances on your skin. In my next blog I will be
talking about how to determine these imbalances. Stay tuned!
Find your balance!
It is this time of the year when we are entering winter and cool weather is upon us. In Ayurveda, this is the Vata season entering Kapha. With Vata season is associated dryness, poor circulation and especially for people with Vata constitution, the symptoms are aggravated. Kapha, on the other hand, brings wetness with cold harsh climates. For Vata dosha, the latter part of Kapha might be beneficial as we transition from late spring to early summer. Right now, Vatas need to stay balanced and one with the transiton by keeping your bodies warm, eat warmer foods (the best approach to diet during this time of year is to concentrate on herbs and foods that carry dual tastes to avoid aggravating your Vata nature while balancing the effects of your Kapha environment). Pittas, Kapha season can be a mixed blessing,While its cooling temperatures may be balancing to your fiery nature, the practices that best help balance this season invariably involve warming. Licorice in particular is good for you at this time of year as it is Pitta-pacifying and phlegm-loosening.
It’s tempting to think that it would be easy for Kaphas to stay in balance during Kapha season, but unfortunately that’s not true.Remember that Kapha tends towards stagnation and heaviness if it is not properly invigorated.As in most things, nature is the best teacher. While the weather and temperature may be Kapha-like, plants and animals come to life as winter becomes spring. This is no accident and something that should be mimicked. If you’re not already involved in an active lifestyle, this is a great time for you to start one. Otherwise, the increased cold and wetness in your environment may lead you towards increased sedentary ways.