What is Dosha and how does it play a role in understanding our mental and physical health?

What is dosha?
When I have to explain the science behind Skinveda, I would start by using the term "Dosha" to help explain how our mind-body imbalances are unique to us and ultimately play a role in the skincare treatment that works only for us. Dosha is a type of energy that is a combination of five elements which when combined in different ratios leads to three distinct energies. These three energies are Vata, Pitta and kapha. They can be seen as the basis for our personalities - our mind-body balance that is unique to us at birth. This mind-body balance, however, is constantly changing due to daily stress and living. It is influenced by the environment we live in, our diet, our social interactions, our physical health and the way we perceive stress. The three doshas can be present in any combination of two, or three or just one dominant dosha. If you know your inherent mind-body dosha (or Prakriti), you can determine your current imbalances (or Vikriti) that are impacting your health, including your skin - the largest organ. To check your dosha, you can visit our website and take the short quiz.